NAV Navbar
  • Introduction
  • Create a New User
  • Updating the Database
  • Errors
  • Introduction

    Welcome to the Itinerum API! This documentation describes getting started with the mobile API endpoints for authentication, retrieving survey questions, mode prompts, and uploading user data.

    There are 3 types of requests an application will make:

    1. Initial request where user account is created and survey schema is sent to device
    2. Second POST to server where demographic survey responses are submitted
    3. All subsequent server calls to add new GPS points, prompt responses and cancelled prompts

    Create a New User

    import json
    import requests
    url = API_URL + '/create'
    test_data = {
        "lang": "en",
        "surveyName": "test",
        "user": {
            "itinerumVersion": "12c",
            "uuid": "7077a34e-afe5-4c22-bd96-119256b7dc51",
            "osVersion": "80.23",
            "model": "iPhone 4s",
            "os": "ios"
    parameters = json.dumps(test_data)
    response =, data=parameters)

    A new user is created within a survey by supplying a generated UUID to identify the user within the database. This needs to be cached within the app as it is required for subsequent requests to the API. Relying on the mobile application to generate the UUID is a carry-over from a legacy version of the platform, but retained for backwards compatibility. The possibility of UUID collision is exceedingly remote and was not deemed sufficient to change to a server-side implementation.

    The avatar path provides the relative URI of the survey's branding avatar. If no avatar is set, a null value will be returned and defaultAvatar should be referenced for the default Itinerum badge. In the example above, the full path would then be: https://<dashboard.url>/assets/static/avatars/93jf3.jpg.

    HTTP Request

    POST http://<api.root.url>/mobile/v1/create

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Description
    user Dictionary containing uuid, model, itinerumVersion, os, osVersion
    surveyName Name of survey to associate the user

    Parsing the Survey

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "uuid": "43f8cdaf-3e43-429d-beb2-94e8220a8a06",
        "lang": "en",
        "termsOfService": "terms of service text",
        "aboutText": "information about survey instance text",
        "contactEmail": "",
        "avatar": null,
        "defaultAvatar": "/assets/static/defaultAvatar.png",
        "surveyName": "tester",
        "surveyId": 22,
        "survey": [
                "colName": "member_type",
                "prompt": "What is your primary occupation?",
                "id": 104,
                "fields": {
                    "choices": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]
                "colName": "travel_mode_work",
                "prompt": "How do you typically commute to your work location?",
                "id": 110,
                "fields": {
                    "choices": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]
                "colName": "travel_mode_alt_work",
                "prompt": "Do you use any alternative mode of travel to work?",
                "id": 111,
                "fields": {
                    "choices": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"]
                "colName": "travel_mode_study",
                "prompt": "How do you typically commute to your studies?",
                "id": 108,
                "fields": {
                    "choices": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6"]
                "colName": "travel_mode_alt_study",
                "prompt": "Do you use any alternative mode of travel to your studies?",
                "id": 109,
                "fields": {
                    "choices": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7"]
                "colName": "Gender",
                "prompt": "What is your gender?",
                "id": 100,
                "fields": {
                    "choices": ["0", "1", "2"]
                "colName": "Age",
                "prompt": "What is your age bracket?",
                "id": 101,
                "fields": {
                    "choices": ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]
                "colName": "dropdown",
                "prompt": "dropdown selection title",
                "id": 1,
                "fields": {
                    "choices": ["Choice 1", "Choice 2"]
                "colName": "checkbox",
                "prompt": "checkbox selection title",
                "id": 2,
                "fields": {
                    "choices": ["Choice 1", "Choice 2"]
                "colName": "number",
                "prompt": "number selection title",
                "id": 3,
                "fields": {
                    "choices": []
                "colName": "text",
                "prompt": "text field input title",
                "id": 5,
                "fields": {
                    "choices": []
                "colName": "Email",
                "prompt": "Please enter your email",
                "id": 103,
                "fields": {
                    "choices": []
                "colName": "location_work",
                "prompt": "Please enter your work location on the map",
                "id": 107,
                "fields": {"latitude": null, "longitude": null}
                "colName": "address",
                "prompt": "address input title",
                "id": 4,
                "fields": {"latitude": null, "longitude": null}
                "colName": "location_study",
                "prompt": "Please enter your study location on the map",
                "id": 106,
                "fields": {"latitude": null, "longitude": null}
                "colName": "location_home",
                "prompt": "Please enter your home location on the map",
                "id": 105,
                "fields": {"latitude": null, "longitude": null}
        "prompt": {
            "maxDays": 14,
            "prompts": [
                    "colName": "dropdown_prompt",
                    "prompt": "dropdown prompt title",
                    "id": 1,
                    "choices": ["Choice 1", "Choice 2"]
                    "colName": "checkbox_prompt",
                    "prompt": "checkbox prompt title",
                    "id": 2,
                    "choices": ["Choice 1", "Choice 2"]
            "maxPrompts": 20,
            "numPrompts": 0
        "user": "New user successfully registered."

    Survey Questions

    The survey values provides the ordered list of survey questions created using the dashboard's survey builder. The attributes for each survey question are detailed below.

    Key Value Types Description
    colName string The column label provided by admin users in the survey builder for output .csv files; currently also used by mobile apps as the question title -- this should like be reconsidered since formatting can be inconsistent
    prompt string The question string for each survey question
    id integer The generic field type ID as described in the generic or hardcoded fields tables
    fields dictionary A dictionary object containing the field names as keys from the generic or hardcoded fields tables

    Generic Fields

    id Field Names Description
    1 choices select one
    2 choices select many
    3 number number input
    4 latitude, longitude map/address
    5 text text box

    Hardcoded Fields

    Fields with an id greater or equal to 100 are hardcoded fields and mandatory within every survey. In the future, these will be pre-built, but optional components within the survey builder.

    id Hardcoded colName Field Names (placeholder) Description
    100 Gender choices gender
    101 Age choices age
    102 mode choices primary mode (unused)
    103 Email choices email
    104 member_type choices primary occupation
    105 location_home latitude, longitude mark user's home location on map
    106 location_study latitude, longitude mark user's study location on map
    107 location_work latitude, longitude mark user's work location on map
    108 travel_mode_study choices primary travel mode to study location
    109 travel_mode_alt_study choices alternate travel mode to study location
    110 travel_mode_work choices primary travel mode work location
    111 travel_mode_alt_work choices alternate travel mode to work location

    Updating the Database

    Answering the Survey

    import requests
    import json
    test_data = {
        "survey": {
            "checkbox": ["Choice 1"],
            "dropdown": "Choice 2",
            "Gender": 1,
            "travel_mode_work": 5,
            "address": {
                "latitude": -12.5665545,
                "longitude": -41.789760
            "number": 5789,
            "travel_mode_alt_work": 7,
            "Email": "",
            "travel_mode_alt_study": 0,
            "member_type": 0,
            "text": "Cumque nemo occaecati aliquid nam iusto rem itaque. Aperiam saepe itaque quas odit accusantium. Recusandae maiores consequatur esse veniam sequi odit.",
            "location_home": {
                "latitude": -14.643098,
                "longitude": -80.968816
            "location_study": {
                "latitude": -84.0534215,
                "longitude": 144.383503
            "location_work": {
                "latitude": -13.8300325,
                "longitude": 101.956003
            "Age": 1,
            "travel_mode_study": 4
        "uuid": "d5f7eb50-6dec-48d1-86ff-ee4b96b583f7"
    parameters = json.dumps(test_data)
    response =, data=parameters)

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "status": "success",
        "type": "MobileUpdateData",
        "results": {
            "prompts": "No new prompt answers supplied.",
            "survey": "Survey answer for 0eb506b1-0411-4c91-8422-58ad44180272 upserted.",
            "coordinates": "No new coordinates data supplied."

    This endpoint is shared with updates for coordinates, prompts, and cancelled prompts. This follows the design of the original API, however, it now requires only the necessary data to be submitted (i.e., the survey answers do not need to be sent in each request).

    HTTP Request

    POST http://<api.root.url>/mobile/v1/update

    Query Parameters

    Parameter Description
    uuid The user's cached installation uuid
    survey Dictionary containing the column names from the supplied schema and the user input values

    Adding Coordinates

    import requests
    test_data = {
        "uuid": "04399688-f7aa-4e7d-aeda-a54de210d843",
        "coordinates": [
                "latitude": 45.5069920593,
                "longitude": -73.6316462699,
                "altitude": 32.34234,
                "speed": 48.07675588398361,
                "direction": 164.3948,
                "hAccuracy": 3,
                "vAccuracy": 8,
                "accelerationX": 0.3757285807726195,
                "accelerationY": 0.9005850917305266,
                "accelerationZ": 0.6462882776492511,
                "modeDetected": 1,
                "pointType": 3,
                "timestamp": "2016-10-29T09:25:33-04:00",
                "latitude": 45.4709612219,
                "longitude": -73.6011947415,
                "altitude": 31.82743,
                "speed": 51.04449870001568,
                "direction": 162.83454384,
                "hAccuracy": 14,
                "vAccuracy": 19,
                "modeDetected": 3,
                "accelerationX": 0.7981422356509369,
                "accelerationY": 0.7147102339936264,
                "accelerationZ": 0.47743632708330497,
                "modeDetected": 1,
                "pointType": 1,
                "timestamp": "2016-10-29T09:25:48-04:00",
                "latitude": 45.5026375686,
                "longitude": -73.6364625799,
                "altitude": 33.11732,
                "speed": 53.47408048034383,
                "direction": 163.28343,
                "hAccuracy": 1,
                "vAccuracy": 21,
                "accelerationX": 0.23135915741337032,
                "accelerationY": 0.6164638302522808,
                "accelerationZ": 0.11871749871078396,
                "modeDetected": 2,
                "pointType": 5,
                "timestamp": "2016-10-29T09:26:03-04:00",
    parameters = json.dumps(test_data)
    response =, data=parameters)

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "status": "success",
        "type": "MobileUpdateData",
        "results": {
            "prompts": "No new prompt answers supplied.",
            "survey": "No new survey data supplied.",
            "coordinates": "New coordinates for 96fc430b-284d-45c5-9eef-bd2796a73d31 inserted."

    Allows application to send recorded GPS points to the server. This endpoint is shared with updates for survey responses and may be combined into a single request.

    HTTP Request

    POST http://<api.root.url>/mobile/v1/update

    Parameter Description
    uuid The user's cached installation uuid
    coordinates Array of dictionaries containing GPS points information
    cancelledPrompts (Optional) array of cancelled prompts dictionaries
    prompts (Optional) array of prompt responses dictionaries

    Upserting Prompts

    import requests
    test_data = {
        "prompts": [
                "uuid": "0dd86866-9e00-474f-a24b-103431254726",
                "displayedAt": "2017-04-27T08:37:03-04:00",
                "recordedAt": "2017-04-27T08:37:03-04:00",
                "longitude": -73.5769640073,
                "latitude": 45.4868670481,
                "answer": "Choice 1",
                "prompt_num": 0
                "uuid": "0dd86866-9e00-474f-a24b-103431254726",
                "displayedAt": "2017-04-28T07:24:25-04:00",
                "recordedAt": "2017-04-28T07:24:25-04:00",
                "longitude": -73.6179342516,
                "latitude": 45.5205378578,
                "answer": ["Choice A", "Choice C"],
                "promptNum": 1
        "uuid": "bb9212b8-a608-48a2-962e-3ecb9632a12b",
        "coordinates": []
    parameters = json.dumps(test_data)
    response =, data=parameters)

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "status": "success",
        "type": "MobileUpdateData",
        "results": {
            "prompts": "New prompt answers for bb9212b8-a608-48a2-962e-3ecb9632a12b inserted.",
            "survey": "No new survey data supplied.",
            "coordinates": "No new coordinates data supplied."

    Prompt question types use the same generic fields format as the survey questions. Prompt question types can be either dropdown/"select one" (1), checkboxes/"select many" (2), or text box/"unformatted text field" (5). This endpoint is shared with updates for survey responses and may be combined to a single request. Each prompt requires the following information:

    Parameter Description
    uuid UUID for each prompt event, prompts displayed during the same prompt event (i.e., app has detected that user has made a stop) should share the same UUID
    promptNum Index (start=0) of the prompt being answered during a prompt event
    displayedAt IS08601 representation of datetime when app created prompt event
    recordedAt ISO8601 representation of datetime when user answered prompt event
    longitude Longitude of where prompt event was created
    latitude Latitude of where prompt event was created
    answer List of plain-text strings for the user's prompt response

    Updated prompts may be resubmitted with the same format as long as the UUID remains consistent with the originally submitted prompt.

    POST http://<api.root.url>/mobile/v1/update

    Parameter Description
    uuid uuid for mobile user (different from prompt uuid above)
    prompts Array of user's prompt responses
    cancelledPrompts (Optional) array of cancelled prompts dictionaries
    coordinates (Optional) array of dictionaries containing GPS points information

    Adding Cancelled Prompts

    import requests
    test_data = {
        "cancelledPrompts": [
                "uuid": "c1d15413-b33d-4aaa-bf84-762517a3284b",
                "displayedAt": "2017-04-27T08:37:03-04:00",
                "cancelledAt": "2017-04-27T08:37:03-04:00",
                "longitude": -73.5769640073,
                "latitude": 45.4868670481,
                "uuid": "e2dd9ab2-f859-4d44-b569-6791a4a2ed7b",
                "displayedAt": "2017-04-28T07:24:25-04:00",
                "cancelledAt": "2017-04-28T07:24:25-04:00",
                "longitude": -73.6179342516,
                "latitude": 45.5205378578,
        "uuid": "bb9212b8-a608-48a2-962e-3ecb9632a12b",
    parameters = json.dumps(test_data)
    response =, data=parameters)

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

        "results": {
            "cancelledPrompts": "2 false prompts recorded."
        "status": "success",
        "type": "MobileUpdateData"

    This endpoint records times when a user is prompted about a trip end, but chooses to continue their trip and dismisses the prompt. Cancelled prompts are mutually exclusive events from answered prompts and should never share UUIDs. Previously submitted cancelled prompts will be upgraded automatically by submitting an answered prompt set with the same UUID.

    HTTP Request

    POST http://<api.root.url>/mobile/v1/update

    Parameter Description
    uuid uuid for mobile user
    cancelledPrompts Array of cancelled prompts dictionaries
    coordinates (Optional) array of dictionaries containing GPS points information
    prompts (Optional) array of prompt responses dictionaries


    Generally the only errors you will receive are 400, 404, 405 or 500. Because the API is overly-forgiving, requests that attempt to create a duplicate user or are otherwise unacceptable will yield 200 indicating it was well formatted, but provide a message describing the internal failure.

    Error Code Meaning
    400 Bad Request
    401 Unauthorized
    403 Forbidden
    404 Not Found
    405 Method Not Allowed
    500 Internal Server Error
    503 Service Unavailable